Child abuse is the psychological, physiological, or physical harm of a child/children and carries significant issues for all parties involved. Oftentimes, court orders related to travel, divorce, custody, and permissions of visitation will be impacted by an ongoing investigation or previous conviction of child abuse.

A ‘Notice of child abuse, family violence or risk’ form is mandatory in Australia with an Initiating Application, a Response To Initiating Application or if a party is seeking parental orders of some kind. If there is mention or allegations of child abuse presented in the form, then the Court has a mandatory responsibility to report such findings to the relevant welfare authorities.

Matters relating to child abuse carry a heavy emotional and legal toll for all parties and require a careful consideration and approach. We act in your best interests whether you are the past victim of abuse and seeking compensation, the parent of a suspected abused child, or defending against abuse claims.

We make things easy, efficient and worry-free.
Talk to us today.

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