Advantages of engaging a child custody lawyer

If you are going through a divorce and are concerned about your future access to your offspring and your ability to be a part of their lives, then engaging a child custody lawyer is an intelligent measure to take. You need to be proactive in these circumstances to ensure that you get the full amount of access to your kids that you are legally entitled to.

In the event of a relationship breakdown, questions are raised about the fate of any kids that were a part of that family unit. In Australia, the family law system uses the principle of ‘the best interests of the child’ as a barometer for all parenting arrangements concerning their future care.

Agreements determined by a judge about parenting responsibilities are legally binding. Most cases seek to resolve two main issues – who will make the primary legal decision for the kids and where will the kids live on a daily basis?

Parents can choose to share responsibility, or one parent can be elected as the sole and primary caretaker responsible for the kids A child custody lawyer can help you to negotiate an arrangement with your ex-spouse or help you with legal proceedings should the matter be taken to court.

If you don’t ally with an experienced family law solicitor, you might not get all of the parental rights you are legally entitled to. It is therefore advised that you seek out a legal practitioner who can act as a close confidant and adviser during this difficult time.

Securing the best deal for your kids

All too often in divorce cases, your kids become the biggest victims as you and your ex bitterly trade blows in the courtroom or even at the negotiating table. Engaging a child custody lawyer who is experienced in family law disputes like yours will be able to help you see past problematic emotional thinking and help you discover a solution that has the most practical benefit for your kids.

Ultimately, both you and your ex should want to minimise the negative impact of your separation on your kids as much as you can. A child custody lawyer can help keep you focused on the ultimate welfare of your kids.

Expertise in family law

A highly experienced child custody lawyer will have the legal expertise you need to secure a favourable outcome in your parenting dispute. They will be able to predict and help you prepare for the legal arguments your ex and her solicitor may attempt. If your ex is using a child custody lawyer, it’s absolutely essential you have your own on hand to answer them.

Their experience will also be very beneficial in the courtroom as they will be able to prepare you for what you can expect. This will help proceedings go more smoothly and will help present your case in the best possible light.

Knowing what kind of evidence is admissible and what isn’t is also an important skill that a child custody lawyer will have. All of this is going to speed up the courtroom process so that you spend less time uncertain over the future.

Helping you with child support

Your family law solicitor will also have the ability to help you negotiate child support payments with your ex-spouse. If you are having support payments requested of you, a solicitor can help protect your from agreeing to a deal wherein you overpay.

This can be a tricky area and having a child custody lawyer on your side is essential to getting a favourable outcome. The last thing you want is to end up with an unfair deal that’s legally binding.

Negotiation experience

A talented child custody lawyer will also have training in ADR (alternative dispute resolution) that allows them to facilitate meaningful negotiations between you and your ex-spouse. This advanced skillset can be used to help both you and your ex come to a mutually acceptable arrangement regarding the future care of your kids without needing to resort to a lengthy courtroom battle.

As you can see, there are a lot of good reasons to engage a child custody lawyer when you’re going through a dispute over parenting arrangements. If you need a experienced family law solicitor, contact us today!

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